Here's a missed combination from a 1919 game featuring Max Euwe.
As White, Hendrik van Hartingsvelt is playing against Max Euwe in Haarlem, 1919.
White to play |
Van Hartingsvelt misses a nice combination to win a pawn, and a few moves later plays the strange Qe4, which must surely be a fingerfelher, since he captures the pawn next move after 13...fxg 14. Qxg2.
13. Qe4 ?? |
21.Bf4 |
None of these are too hard to find, and the combination in the first diagram is a sweet one, so its interesting to see the difference in play ( or maybe that should be in expectations ?) between 1919 and 2019 as van Hartingsvelt was a top player in the Netherlands at the time ( EDO rates him as 2251 and Euwe as 2300 ).
In 2019, would you expect a 2350-rated player to miss a pawn-winning combination just 7 moves into the game ?
In fact, I find the same position 2 more times since Euwe's game and neither plays the best move,although 2039-rated Milan Lizner finds a similar combination after missing it first time around !