From a recent blitz game : White to move and win
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[1r4nr/3p2pp/p2Nk1n1/1p2pR2/8/1N6/PPP3PP/3R2K1 w - - 0 1] |
Notes from the nadir of chess
Technically, it would be difficult to fail this mate problem, as there were 4 or 5 alternatives given in Chess Tempo. However, I was pleas...
Hah Very neat reply with random arrows, and of course, correct !
Cannot read this Fen (or how is it called?) code.
White mates black in three moves if I am not mistaken.
1. Nc5+ Ke7 2. Rf7+ Kd8 3. Rxd7#
You are not mistaken ! and I have modified the FEN/EPD as well
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